Saturday, October 17, 2009

Emma Kunz (artist and healer)

Emma Kunz was a researcher, healer, and prolific artist, who also discovered the healing rock powder AION A, which has helped thousands of people on their path to recovery. 
She was known for her exceptional healing powers and worked with a pendulum that had a spherical weight on each side, one of a light-colored jade, the other of silver. During a consultation with a young patient, as she watched her pendulum oscillate over the boy's head, Kunz claimed she could cure him with a special powder that would be found in his immediate environment. With her pendulum in hand, Kunz navigated the quarries owned by the young boy's father. Here, at the Roman Stone Quarry in Wuerenlos, she found a rock with potent healing powers. Kunz instructed the boy's parents as to how the rock should be quarried, cleansed, and milled to powder to be used for healing. After a few weeks the boy's legs grew stronger and within months he could walk and run with the other children.

LINK to slideshow and bio
Picture credit: 1, 2, 3