Ben Stewart, the bright young musician and philosopher, creator of "Esoteric Agenda" has released his second documentary "Kymatica" which is another winner. Kymatica (from the Greek "ta kymatica" meaning "matters pertaining to waves") will venture into the realm of Cymatics and discuss matters of spirituality, altered states of mind, the ego, and personal responsibility. The movie focuses on human and universal consciousness and points out psyche disease that mankind has induced by creating insane illusion, which is the main cause of pain and suffer. Goes deeper into metaphysical aspects and connects ancient hidden myths and history with modern ways of society and political outcome. Explains shamanism, duality, and reality behind DNAs and modern false beliefs.(

"Kymatica will open your eyes to why your every day thoughts and actions directly correspond to what's going to happen if we don't change them." (
source you can also watch the movie here, get links to sources and purchase a DVD)
And a review: "This movie, a sequel to the Esoteric Agenda, focuses on human and universal consciousness and points out psyche disease that mankind has created which might be one of the main cause of pain and suffer. It goes deeper into metaphysical aspects and connects ancient hidden myths and history with modern ways of society and political outcomes. Shamanism, duality, and reality behind DNAs and modern false beliefs are explained. All-in-all, Kymatica is another excellent movie which attempts to point out the fundamental misconception that humankind are facing today that has resulted in imbalance between planet, nature and species..."