Wednesday, September 28, 2011

October 2011 Calendar

Click HERE to download the calendar to print it.

Quote from the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, art by UEK Multimedia Artist.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Mothers of Invention - Mom & Dad

This is a dedication for NYPD officer Anthony Bologna, who took it upon himself to walk up to a group of peaceful demonstrators that were cattled (caged) behind an orange fence by the NYPD. Officer Bolognia maze them with pepper spray, then turn around and walk away as if nothing happened. Thank you for showing so openly what the NYPD stands for: "if you want to test a man's character, give him power.” Abraham Lincoln said that.

Let's hope they don't give this cat a gun and won't let him run with scissors either!

Lyrics to the song:
Mama! Mama!
Someone said they made some noise
The cops have shot some girls & boys
You'll sit home & drink all night
They looked too weird . . . it served them right

Mama! Mama!
Someone said they made some noise
The cops have shot some girls & boys
You'll sit home & drink all night
They looked too weird . . . it served them right

Ever take a minute just to show a real emotion
In between the moisture cream & velvet facial lotion?
Ever tell your kids you're glad that they can think?
Ever say you loved 'em?
Ever let 'em watch you drink?
Ever wonder why your daughter looked so sad?
It's such a drag to have to love a plastic Mom & Dad

Mama! Mama!
Your child was killed in the park today
Shot by the cops as she quietly lay
By the side of the creeps she knew . . .
They killed her too.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Nik Nowak vs Ultramoodem

Born in Mainz, Germany, Nik Nowak's work is in electronic music installations. A series of different ‘Mobile Booster’ carry flexible sound-systems/ The latest is called "Panzer" (tank): LINK to homepage

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tape Generations by Johan Rijpma

Johan Rijpma (1984) studied at the Utrecht School of the Arts (Faculty of Art, Media and Technology) in Hilversum. By making short films, music videos and animations, he studies his unpredictable environment. (source Vimeo)

Tape Generations from johan rijpma on Vimeo.